Arthur and Alfred Heineman, Architects, 1917. The Lydia C. Edmands House. Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1998, the Cotswold Cottage built for wealthy widow Lydia C. Edmands exemplified the Heineman brothers' creative tenure during the interpretive Arts and Crafts architectural movement from 1895-1918. The rolled-roof edges, half-timbers, and large eyebrow gable clearly sets the Edmands House apart from its Spanish Colonial and Mediterranean Revival neighbors. The seemingly whimsical design of the cottage displays the Heineman brothers skill at adapting historic styles while simultaneously displaying a sense of folly in their design. Generous common areas on the first floor, including a solarium, office, formal dining room, and very large living room, add an intangible value for hosting large gatherings. Located in Pasadena's bucolic South Oak Knoll District, the Edmand's house is offered for sale to the public for the first time since 1963. Pool, Guest House.